Spicy Sesame Chicken with Fried rice


You can totally make this over steamed rice or just have it with no rice, but whichever way you make it, in our house, we never have leftovers!  This one takes about 1 hour to prepare, but SO WORTH IT!  Make the sauce first!


4 Chicken Breasts

Green onions

Soy sauce



Sriracha chilli sauce

Rice Vinegar

Red Pepper Flakes


Fresh Brocolli

Baby Mini Peppers (all colors)

Sesame Seeds

White or brown Rice


Frozen Peas and Carrots


Sesame Oil (Optional)

The Sauce:

1 cup soy sauce

1/2 cup honey

3 green onions chopped up finely

1/2 cup Ketchup

2 Tbs. Rice Vinegar

2 Tbs. Sriracha (start off with this much, but I have added up to 1/2 cup or more because we like HEAT)

1 Tbs. Red Pepper Flakes (again, start with this, add more for more heat or omit for no heat at all)

2-6 tablespoons of Cornstarch

Sauce Instructions:

This is definitely a taste as you go sauce….more sweetness, add honey, more spice, more Sriracha….I add all my ingredients into a bowl and mix.  If you’re feeling like a Gordon Ramsey, mince up some shallots and toss them in there….but it’s totally up to you.  Once it’s all mixed up, I whisk it altogether…  Dump into a sauce pan and start heating it up…..don’t boil it….but get it hot.  Slowly start off with 2 Tbs. of cornstarch…whisk, whisk, whisk on medium heat…this should start thickening up the sauce…if it’s not thick enough (to your liking), keep adding cornstarch, a tbs. at a time.  I make ours thick enough to cover a spoon…consistency of baby food.


Ingredients For the Chicken:

4 Chicken breasts (cut these up into cubes)

2 Tbs. Olive Oil

1 Tsp. Sesame Oil

Chicken Instructions:

Cut it up, toss in a wok/pan, cook till it’s not raw…it’s pretty much that easy….You can add some of the sauce at the end of the cooking to give it a lil flavor, but you don’t have too..




The Veggies:

Baby Peppers, all colors, as many or as lil as you like…I do about 8, seeded and minced up

3 Green onions, minced up

1 FRESH head of brocolli (I steam this at the end of all the cooking, and I do it for about 5 minutes, make sure you don’t over cook this, you want it to still have some crunch)

Carrots, again, as many or as lil as you like.  I cut mine into strips (Julian –I think that’s the correct culinary term)

Veggie Instructions:

I toss my peppers and carrots into a Wok or frying pan and get a nice sear on them…you don’t want them overcooked, you want a lil crunch on these as well.  I add the onions last.

Fried Rice:

2 Cups of cooked and COLD white or brown rice….

(it has to be cold, otherwise it will turn to mush…so what I do is cook it most of the way, take out of the pot, run it under freezing cold water or place it in an ice bath….This slows down the cooking and makes it cold, in a hurry….MUST BE COLD, cant stress that enough!)

1/2 cup of butter (I didn’t say this was the healthiest dish)

1/4 cup of Soy sauce

1 Tbs. Sesame Oil (optional)

Frozen Peas and Carrots (as many or as little as you like)

3 eggs.

Fried Rice Instructions:

I use a GIANT wok….. I heat up the wok with a lil oil (sesame if you have it, if not, use the butter)….I then crack my eggs into it…they don’t have to be pretty, just get them in there…mix them up with a fork, again, not looking for perfect fluffy scrambled eggs…just some damn eggs….

Once your “damn eggs” are cooked, add in the rice, and mix it all up….make a well in the center of the rice, and add the peas and carrots, mix well.

Throw in the soy sauce, and taste.  You may need to add more soy sauce or butter…Soy sauce will add Saltiness…butter should cut that saltiness down….so if you find that you have not enough salt in your life with the 1/4 cup, add a splash more….keep tasting as you go… add more till you like it.


Now that everything is cooked, it’s time to marry it…

Rice plated first, then veggies, then chicken, top with sauce, sprinkled with sesame seeds, kissed with love!

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